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Kindle Fire HDX 7 Now Available In The UK, Pricing Begins At £199

Kindle Fire HDX 7 Now Available In The UK, Pricing Begins At £199
Kindle Fire HDX 7 Now Available In The UK, Pricing Begins At £199. Amazon has something going on with its affordable Android tablets for the past few years, and the Kindle Fire HDX 7 is no different.
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Chance to win Kindle Fire in Canton Library alternate-ending competition
CANTON – The Canton Free Library, 8 Park St., invites young writers, ages 11-19, to submit an alternate ending to any or all books in Suzanne Collins's popular Hunger Games Trilogy. Submissions must be typed and no more than four pages long.
Read more on North Country Now

Your Kindle Fire HDX's blue-tinged screen edge is perfectly normal
If you've been curious why the screen on your Kindle Fire HDX has a blueish tint around the edges, wonder no more. To help achieve the HDX's vaunted color accuracy, Amazon used blue LEDs to light the display, which is why you see an azure hue peeking …
Read more on Engadget

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