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Deal: $50 Off Kindle Fire HDX 7″ Tablets

Deal: Off Kindle Fire HDX 7″ Tablets
The Kindle Fire HDX 7″ Tablets can be used for apps, games, books, movies, magazines, music, web browsing, and more, all on an 7″ HDX display (1920×1200), high pixel density (323 PPI) high definition display. Choose from 16 MB, 32 MB, and 64 MB …
Read more on Geeks of Doom Announces the All-New Kindle Fire HDX Deals
The holidays are almost here and shoppers are searching for the best possible gifts to give this holiday season. The all-new Kindle Fire HDX is one of the top gifts to give to family this holiday season. As the holidays continue to get closer, people …
Read more on Broadway World

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