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Can Big Business Be the Solution, or Is It Just the Problem?

Can Big Business Be the Solution, or Is It Just the Problem?

This article is by Saj-Nicole Joni, chief executive of Cambridge International Group. The Right Fight, by Saj-Nicole Joni and Damon Beyer, is available in book, ebook and audio formats. Whether it?s oil spills, sweatshop horrors, tax evasion, engineered financial bubbles, or outright fraud, corporate malfeasance has recently taken a huge toll […]

One to Smile has just published the world’s first …

One to Smile has just published the world’s first …

“An Innovator”s Guide to E-Mail Marketing”: new eBook on the impact of… One to Smile has just published the world’s first eBook on text-in-image personalization called, “An innovator’s guide to e-mail marketing – surprising strategies that take personalization to the next level.” Berlin, October 2013. One to Smile”s free eBook, “An innovator”s guide to e-mail […]